Hi everyone! Life has been keeping me on my toes so I haven’t been nearly as attentive here as I would like. Life with four kiddos at home never brings much rest! However, I am so excited to say that God has been speaking to me, flooding my thoughts with much needed guidance and direction. I felt like I had been at a standstill with my writing and just life in general for quote some time. Motivation was lacking as well as my creativity. I had been praying during this time of waiting, a long time of waiting, to hear where He wanted me to be and craved the life He wanted me to have.
So the good news is that I’m back with a plethora of wonderful ideas and plans for the future. I have a few books in progress and some bigger things simmering on the back burner. I am thankful for God for giving me the wisdom to hear his calling. So, if He can speak to me, He can speak to you. I pray for all of you who are in this time of silence and waiting, that you receive the comfort, patience and guidance you’ve been anticipating.
For now, I leave you with this post I wrote on Tiny Budda. A series of events that took place in my life not too long ago really impacted me and brought things into perspective. A reality check I needed. I hope it resonates with you all.
~On the journey with you