I hope you have all been well and sorry for the lack of communication recently. I haven’t had much spare time it seems. My little three-year old has literally kept me cleaning up his disastrous behavior every time I turn around! The terrible twos morphed into the horrific threes. He takes the cake out of all five of my children at this age.
If he’s not decorating the living room with toilet paper when my back is turned, he’s throwing bologna at the television, peeing on the dog bed, dumping dog food into the dog water or drawing on the walls. It’s incredibly how instantly his personality can transform from mischievous monster to a loveable and precious little guy.
I’m having a hard time keeping up with his crazy antics as it seems I’m cleaning up one mess after another! I guess my age is telling of me. When Lydia was only three, I was a young 29 years old and able to keep up no problem, however, over ten years later let just say my reactions have slowed immensely!
Well after three months of snow, I am anxiously awaiting the onset of spring and warmer weather. I do love springtime although it’s not quite here yet. A little teaser of some warmer weather melted the snow, just in time to bring a freezing cold snowstorm to remind us what March is really like around here!
This happens to be my second favorite time of year, (next to fall which means hunting season!), because I get to witness the miracle of new life. A new hope…These little cuties can’t help but make you smile and fill your heart with joy. Aren’t they adorable!
However, let us not be blinded. Just when we were admiring their cuteness and getting ready to bottle feed a bummer lamb, my little first grader got mowed down by a mad mama ewe. Upon opening the gate to the pen, she charged through the door taking him out in the process throwing him into the nearby boards. I rushed to his side. After seeing him tossed like a rag doll by a big powerful mama four times his weight, let’s just say I was mortified. Afraid of his injuries, my mind automatically thinks the worst. Thankfully, after a few deep bruises later, he escaped without lasting harm.
So amidst all the chaos lately, I have managed to neglect my writings and reading of others, but have been avidly working on another project close to my heart. In partnership with another trailblazer in the grief and trauma field, we have opened up a passion that has been tucked away, deep in our core just waiting to come out and reach the brokenness of those with heavy hearts.
Our business, The Compassionate Courier, stemmed from our own personal experiences with grief and loss. I thought to myself, looking back seven years, what was it that I really valued most after Lydia died? Was it the flowers, the plants, the food, the gifts, the books, etc.?
While all that was wonderful, what stood out to me most were the little things. The thoughtfulness, the kind gestures, the people. Those friends old and new, family, strangers, neighbors, who took the time to stop by, to sit in silence with me, tell stories, hold my hand and spending their time just being there.
Although there is no replacing the presence and impact of a live body, their thoughtfulness and acknowledgment of my grief was the next best thing. It was increasingly painful knowing that after the memorial was over, the phone quit ringing, and people continued on with their lives when my nightmare was just beginning. Those early months and years were terrifying and ever so lonely. With grief, the hardest part is after. Angie Cartwright, founder of The National Grief and Hope Coalition says it well.
Those first weeks, months and even years, I wasn’t one to reach out to anyone. I stayed curled up on my couch in a ball, waiting for the world to end, day in and day out, secretly longing for someone to sit next to me or call me just to talk. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen often enough.
The thought of being blessed to have comfort, hope and thoughtfulness, coupled with encouraging stories of others to come to my doorstep every month, seems absolutely incredible.
So here it is. Our landing page… The Compassionate Courier. A place to enter your email to keep updated on our launch at the end of this month. A perfect gift for you or someone you know.
Here are some quotes from our last newsletter.
“Through products tailored to comfort during grief and loss, our monthly delivery aims to nourish the soul giving the feeling of genuine comfort while acknowledging the difficult times that come with loss.
As you open the soothing package, we want you to be embraced by comfort as your gifts radiate meaning, compassion and presence. With our packages sprinkled with a dusting of spiritual encouragement, it is our goal to ignite sparks of hope along the journey of grief.
We are excited to announce that with each box shipped, we will donate a portion of the proceeds to an organization that helps support the bereaved, choosing a different recipient each month.
Hand picked and sometimes handcrafted, you will find between 5-7 comforting gifts to sooth the soul letting you know you are remembered.
In addition to giving back, each box will also contain a personal message from us, Sandy and Daphne, the founders of The Compassionate Courier. Each message of encouragement will include uplifting thoughts, quotes, tips and suggestions on navigating through the unfamiliar journey of grief.”
So I would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, ideas and what the best gifts were that you had received during your grief. I hope you’ll all join me in helping spread the word of this valuable gift we can give those in need. Together we can leave a positive and lasting impact on grieving hearts.
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