After watching this interview last night, I thought it would be a good time to share it again. It was my first interview, sharing with others my journey. Although it was not easy, it was such a valuable and insightful experience for myself. There is so much power in sharing your story.
“How has your life changed since your loss? In what ways are you the same or different? Today’s post is one sparked by recent conversations with a friend. Losing a loved one can cause us to lose ourselves and morph into completely different people, both good and bad.”
How has your life changed since your loss? In what ways are you the same or different? Today’s post is one sparked by recent conversations with a friend. Losing a loved one can cause us to lose ourselves and morph into completely different people, both good and bad. When Lydia was alive, I really had no concept of life and death. I mean, I did but it wasn’t a deep understanding or awareness of the spiritual meaning of life. We had the perfect family, careers, went to church, and went through the routine so to speak, but in hindsight, I was missing out on a much more gratifying way of life.
I am so grateful for having the opportunity to be interviewed by my friend Alysha over at An Intentional Future -Living Beyond Loss. Talking with her made me realize just how drastic my life has changed…
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